In the hyper-competitive industry of F&B, where nearly a third of new restaurants fail within the first year, organizing and understanding your finances is essential in order to strive. When you combine a team of accounting and financial specialists with restaurant industry experts you get a clear picture of what it takes to boost your restaurant business. Our company was created for one specific purpose: to develop the ultimate financial optimization tool exclusively for restaurants.


Silverspoon Solutions has developed and perfected a systemized process for the restaurant industry, which can then be customized to meet the needs and individual goals of each restaurant. This allows us to offer our clients a complete back office managed by experts at nearly a fraction of the price.


Our process has been created with our clients in mind. We adapt and work diligently with clients to understand what their needs are and customize the reports accordingly.


Our weekly reports are personalized, easy to read and access. We contribute to our clients’ success by allowing them to see the entire picture of what their numbers are saying, and take action in a timely manner.

Restaurants who trust us